7 Must-Have Digital Skills For Today’s Youth To Thrive in Tomorrow’s World

Young people can enhance their competitiveness and achieve success in their respective fields by developing these 7 sets of digital skills.

Unleashing Your Digital Potential: Mastering Essential Capabilities for Success

As we step into the fourth industrial revolution, digital transformation is rapidly changing every aspect of our social lives, including personal interactions, education, production, business, politics, and society as a whole. This shift presents a wealth of opportunities for businesses to expand and redefine markets through digital capabilities. However, organizations are increasingly seeking personnel, especially young people, with a higher capacity for digital technology. As a result, it is crucial for individuals to equip themselves with digital skills to thrive in this era of transformation   

According to the L. Pangrazio’s report on young people’s competencies in the digital age, employers’ demand for digital skills has increased by a staggering 200% in the past three years. This trend is only set to continue, with the demand for digital skills expected to rise even further in the next five years. Despite growing up in a digital environment, many young people are still unprepared for the rapid changes this era brings. Additionally, the International Labor Organization’s report on digital transformation in ASEAN countries reveals that Vietnam is among the most affected countries in terms of labor and employment, with 70% of workers in primary occupations. It is clear that individuals must equip themselves with digital competencies to meet the growing demand and thrive in the digital age.     [2].

As digital technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, it is crucial for young people to develop their skills and knowledge in this field to enhance their competitiveness and job prospects. 

The report on digital transformation in ASEAN countries highlights the urgent need for government action to address the impact of digital transformation on the economy, particularly in the education sector. This includes providing training for digital skills to meet the evolving human resource needs of organizations and businesses. It is essential for individuals to take a proactive approach towards developing their digital skills in order to stay ahead in this ever-changing landscape.          

Unleashing Your Digital Potential: Understanding the Power of Digital Competence     

While there have been many debates and definitions surrounding the concept of digital competence, researchers unanimously agree that a vast amount of information now exists in digital form. In this landscape, learners must possess critical thinking skills, the ability to evaluate and assess information, and utilize digital tools to research and express themselves effectively. By mastering these essential skills, individuals can successfully navigate the digital world and unlock new opportunities for growth and success.     

In today’s world, digital competence is widely recognized as a vital factor for achieving success in learning, research, and career development. As more and more job positions are digitized, the ability to use digital technology is becoming a fundamental requirement across almost every profession. Digital industries have become a key driver of the economy, and educational institutions are increasingly adopting digital business models. Both lecturers and students must embrace the benefits of technology to support the community and promote innovation and creativity for the next generation. By cultivating digital competence, individuals can unlock new opportunities for growth and success in the digital age.     

According to UNESCO, digital competence encompasses a broad range of essential skills, including the ability to safely and effectively access, manage, understand, combine, communicate, evaluate, and create information using digital technology. These skills are essential for completing tasks of any complexity, from simple projects to ambitious start-ups. By mastering digital competence, individuals can navigate the digital landscape with confidence and harness the full potential of digital technology to achieve their goals.     

Digital capability encompasses a range of essential skills, including computer usage, information technology, and communication capabilities. These skills are crucial for navigating the digital landscape and are the primary focus of The Digital Competency Framework. By developing a strong foundation in digital capability, individuals can harness the full potential of digital technology to achieve their goals and thrive in the digital age.     

Navigating the Digital Age: Unpacking the 7 Key Capabilities of the Digital Competency Framework for Young People     

After comparing various international digital competency frameworks and taking inspiration from Facebook’s “We Think Digital” courses, the faculty and graduate students of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities have developed a model of learning skills that consists of 7 competency groups as outlined below:     

No Group Description
1 Equipment and software operation Identify, select and use hardware devices and software applications to recognize, process data and digital information in problem-solving.
2 Information and data extraction Identify individual information needs; implement strategies to find, locate and access information; evaluate news sources and content; store, manage and organize information; use information ethically and legally.
3 Communication and cooperation in the digital environment Interact and communicate through digital technology and practice digital citizenship. Manage personal digital identity and reputation in the digital environment. Use digital tools and technologies to collaborate, design, and create resources and knowledge.
4 Digital safety and security Protect devices, content, personal data, and privacy in the digital environment. Protect physical and mental health. Be aware of the impact of digital technology on social well-being and social inclusion. Be aware of the effects of digital technologies on the environment.
5 Digital Content Creation Create and edit digital content. Transform and combine information and digital content into existing knowledge. Understand the licensing and copyright systems related to the digital content creation process.
6 Digital skills learning and developing Identify opportunities and challenges in the online learning environment. Understand personal needs and preferences as a digital learner. Open access and information sharing. Be aware of lifelong learning for personal growth.
7 Using digital capabilities for career Operate digital technologies in specific professions. Understand, analyze, and evaluate data, information, and digital content in professional practice. Practice innovation and entrepreneurship in a digital environment.

The Viet Hoi Nhap intensive training programs and seminars will cover these 7 essential competencies, enabling the young generation to enhance their competitiveness and succeed in their professions.     


[1]  L. Pangrazio (2019), Young People’ s literacies in the digital age continuities, conflicts and contradictions.

[2] J. Change and P. Huynh (2016), ASEAN in transformation – The future of jobs at risk of automation, Bureau for Employers’ Activities.