Three Essential Digital Skills For You

“Three Essential Digital Skills for You” 

To excel in future job opportunities, it is crucial to possess three key digital skills: the ability to conduct independent research, proficiency in using various technology tools and platforms, and adaptability and comprehension of emerging technologies.

Since the emergence of computers and the internet in the late 20th century, which marked the beginning of the “Third Industrial Revolution,” technology has been instrumental in enhancing productivity and efficiency for society.

The significance of technology has further strengthened in the era of the “industrial revolution 4.0”. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing has enhanced the quality of human life in various aspects such as daily routines, entertainment, and most importantly, at work. Due to the rapid evolution of technology, organizations and businesses now demand candidates to possess advanced digital skills.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) predicts that by 2025, half of the worldwide labor force will need to acquire new skills. Digital skills will become a requirement for businesses and organizations to choose their personnel to work in a digital age environment. This recruitment necessity has become even more pressing due to the trend of hybrid working (a combination of traditional and remote working) that emerged after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Adapting to technology is essential for employees to increase their capacity and value in the job market. In today’s workforce, digital skills are becoming necessary for candidates at all levels, including interns, freshers, and managers. Acquiring these skills is crucial for individuals to stay competitive and grow in their chosen field. These skills do not require the in-depth knowledge of an information technology engineer, but rather the ability to master basic technology tools such as computers, smartphones, the internet, and supporting technology platforms and applications.

Here are the digital skills compiled by Viet Hoi Nhap, as well as experts and recruiters from various businesses and organizations, for your reference. Keep in mind that these skills are expected of candidates by employers when applying for a job vacancy:

  • Conducting independent research on the internet

With knowledge being constantly updated every second, the ability to conduct independent research and gather information to enhance one’s knowledge is crucial. Employers expect their employees to have the capability to self-study and seek out information when a new problem arises.

  • Acquaintance with technology tools and platforms

Once you enter the workforce, applications such as Microsoft Office or Google Drive become a must-know. However, as the Internet evolves, new tools emerge, and you must be familiar with them to meet employer requirements. For example, communication apps like Zoom, Skype, and Google Hangouts have become popular during the pandemic, and more complex software like Trello (for task and team goal management) or Canva (for amateur graphic design support) are also in demand. Don’t miss out on job opportunities by being unfamiliar with these platform applications.

  • Adapting and acquiring proficiency in new technologies. 

No matter how well-prepared you are, encountering new technologies, tools, or platforms is inevitable when joining a new company. However, you won’t feel overwhelmed if you can approach and learn to adapt to these new technologies. It would be even better if you could understand and guide your colleagues in using them.

Apart from the digital skills mentioned above, Viet Hoi Nhap can share other essential skills via our programs and activities to enhance your capabilities and value in the labor market. Don’t wait for the opportunity; create the opportunity to make yourself stand out in the labor market.