🕐 Time: 8:00 p.m – 9:45 p.m, October 24, 2023

🎫 Venue: Online

🎯 Target Audience: Organizations and businesses seeking a comprehensive approach to foster a culture of diversity, equality, and inclusion (DEI) in organizational culture

🌟 In today’s corporate landscape, DEI principles are integral to human resources strategies, particularly for social enterprises and businesses striving to make a social impact. The concept of DEI is progressively becoming a cornerstone in shaping and nurturing corporate culture.

– Diversity: Embracing differences and the richness, encompassing not only personal attributes but also diverse perspectives, experiences, and cultures.

– Equality: Ensuring that all individuals, regardless of gender, have a fair opportunity to realize their potential and are treated equally.

– Inclusion: Creating a work environment where everyone, especially marginalized groups, feels welcomed, connected, and engaged with one another.

🌾 In an endeavor to equip organizations and businesses with valuable insights on cultivating a holistic organizational culture and to facilitate the sharing of ongoing experiences, Vietnam Human Resources Development Company Viet Hoi Nhap respectfully organizes the conference “Diversity, Equality, Inclusion in Organizational Culture”.

During the conference, attendees will have the privilege of hearing from a gender expert, Ms. Tran Thi Minh Luong, who is associated with the “Supporting the Ecosystem of Businesses to Create Social Impact in Vietnam to Respond to COVID-19” project (ISEE-COVID).

👉 Key Highlights:

• The prevalent challenges and significance of DEI in corporate culture

• Approaches to DEI implementation

• Advantages for organizations and businesses adopting DEI

• Strategies for cultivating a corporate culture intertwined with DEI

👉 This conference presents an excellent opportunity to:

• Enhance your comprehension of the all-encompassing trends and strategies in corporate culture

• Explore solutions for promoting DEI within your organization

• Connect with leading experts in the field of gender diversity

👉 To ensure your participation and to contribute your perspective, kindly register and complete the survey by 5:00 p.m. on October 22, 2023, by following the link below:

Registration Link:
Contact Information:
Project on Strengthening Social Inclusion, Career Skills Development, and Job Placement for the LGBTIQA+ Community (LGBTIQA+ CAREER)

Viet Hoi Nhap Human Resource Development Company
Phone: 084807458